
Jul 22, 2022

Financial Markets Ecosystem (Part-I): Functions and types of markets

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Team WealthMark

A financial market is a market in which people trade financial instruments, securities, currencies, commodities and derivatives. Securities include stocks and bonds, and derivatives include futures, options, and swaps. The underlying for a derivative instrument can be any physical asset, a currency or even an event.

In this post, we shall discuss about the major functions of the financial markets.

Functions of financial markets

The primary purpose of a financial market is to provide liquidity to investors so that they can buy and sell securities or financial assets easily. Financial markets also provide a place for companies to raise capital by issuing stocks and bonds. In addition, financial markets allow investors to diversify their portfolios and manage risk.

The financial markets make it easier for the producers to hedge their exposure and speculators to bet on future price movements of an asset.

The global financial markets ecosystem is a network of institutions and intermediaries that enable the flow of capital between savers and borrowers. The participants in this ecosystem include banks, investment banks, insurance companies, pension funds, hedge funds, and central banks.

Financial markets are generally regulated by governments to protect their national interests, interests of the investors, and to ensure that the markets function smoothly. For example, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulates the stock market in the United States.

Types of financial markets

There are two types of financial markets: primary markets and secondary markets. In a primary market, securities are sold directly to investors by the issuing company. In a secondary market, securities are bought and sold between investors. The most well-known secondary market is the stock market.

Financial markets play an important role in the economy by providing a way for companies to raise capital and for investors to buy and sell securities. Financial markets help to allocate resources efficiently and promote economic growth.

The global financial markets provide a critical function in the economy by channeling savings into investments. This flow of capital is essential for economic growth and development. Without it, businesses would be unable to expand and create jobs, and consumers would have fewer options for financing their purchases. The financial markets help the producers to hedge their exposure and transfer the risk to counter-parties and financial institutions who expect to profit from the transaction. The global financial markets are therefore a vital part of the economy.

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Disclaimer: All investments are subject to market risk. The statements made in this article are for educational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice or an investment recommendation.